Uncategorized Top 5: Favorite Places Only one person bothered to fill out my March Madness worksheet last week. It...
Uncategorized Safari Week: That’s a Wrap On Day 6 of the safari, our group finally had an up close and...
Uncategorized Don’t do me any favors Last week, as I was sitting on the beach in Durban, two German girls...
Uncategorized Mind the cliff. Back in 2010, my then-boyfriend walked through my front door and announced that Jimi...
Uncategorized How to spot a phony In the days leading up to my departure, almost everyone gave me the same...
Uncategorized Respect all living things. Especially those that bite. Growing up in Northeast Pennsylvania, my parents taught me all the basics: Don’t talk...
Uncategorized I tried it: Ox intestine When I returned from my morning run today, I was surprised to find two...
Uncategorized I’ve arrived: Cape Town Within the first 24 hours in Cape Town, I tripped up a flight of...
Uncategorized New York: The World’s Greatest Rip Off? Lately, one of my favorite things to do is to ask people to guess...